
The Text Properties tab


The fifth set of properties are the Text Properties.

The top section allows you to choose your font, font color, font styles, and color. You can also add an outline to text and select an outline color.

Tracking and Leading may be two terms you aren’t familiar with. Tracking refers to the amount of space between the letters in a single line (horizontal spacing). Leading refers to the amount of space between lines of text (vertical spacing). Leading is not supported by the Windows version of ProPresenter, so this setting won’t transfer between platforms.

The next area controls the alignment of the text. The first row is the horizontal alignment of the text and the second row is the vertical alignments. Checking Adjust to Fit will dynamically resize the text box as needed.

If you click Apply All, all of the settings on this panel will be applied to the other text boxes in your presentation.

One of the primary reasons many of our users still use PowerPoint for their Pastor’s sermon notes is the need for bullet lists and fill-in-the-blank slides. Text Reveal was added to make it easier to build those kind of slides.

To use the Text Reveal function, select either Bullet List or Fill in the Blank from the drop-down menu. This will change the functionality of the selected text box. Use Bullet List to have each line from a slide animate separately onto the slide, while Fill in the Blank will have underlined words/phrases appear on the screen one at a time. It is not possible to combine the two functions in a single text box.

Line Background (available for Mac only) automatically shows a rectangle on the screen behind the text. This feature allows you to show separate bars/lines behind each line of text automatically. Using this feature you can show a solid color for the hight of the text and not the entire text box.