
The Slide Build Properties tab


The third set of properties are Slide Build Properties. Each object on a slide can have a separate transition when it is brought “In” to the slide and when it is sent “Out” from the slide. To add a transition, select the object in the editor and pick a transition in this panel.

Each object with a selected transition will appear in this list.

An individual object can be set to transition “With Slide”, “On Click”, “With Previous”, or “After Delay”.

With Slide means that the object will use the selected build transition, but will appear as soon as the slide is first launched.

On Click will allow subsequent clicks after the first time the slide is clicked to bring in the objects.

With Previous will link objects together so that one click will bring in multiple objects.

After Delay will bring an object in after a specified amount of time (i.e. 3 seconds).