
MIDI Module

The MIDI Module can be purchased separately or as part of the broader Communication Module.

The MIDI configuration allows you to auto-fill all the commands from a starting note, or you can assign any MIDI note to a given command. You must ensure that you don't assign the same MIDI note to multiple commands since this will result in undefined behavior. MIDI connections are supported for any CoreMIDI device. Network devices may be configured via OS X's Audio MIDI Setup utility.

Audio MIDI Setup is found in /Applications/Utilities in the Finder.


After you have opened Audio MIDI Setup, click on the Window menu and select Show MIDI Window.

Double-click on the Network icon on the MIDI Studio screen.


After you double-click on Network, you will see the MIDI Network Setup panel. This is where you create your session that will allow your MIDI controller and your Mac to interact. The screen shot below shows the completed configuration; the steps below the screenshot will guide you through the setup.


To setup your session, click on the plus (+) button under My Sessions. This will create a default session titled “Session 1”. This name doesn’t matter so you don’t need to change it. Check the box next to “Session 1”. After a few moments, you will see available devices in the Directory listing. Select the device and click Connect. Change the Who may connect to me option to Anyone. Verify that Enabled is selected at the top of your Session settings. You do not need to make any other changes. Do not select anything for Live routings or your connection may not work properly.

Now that you have configured Audio MIDI Settings for your Mac, you are ready to setup ProPresenter’s MIDI controls.

Return to ProPresenter and the Communication Module settings in Preferences.


Click on the Device menu in the lower-right corner of the module and add a new MIDI device. Select the correct device that you have setup to be used with your Mac. Click Save and then Connect after you have finished configuring the rest of the MIDI settings.

Click on the MIDI Setup button to open the MIDI communication settings. MIDI notes range from 0 to 127. Entering a number next to Auto Fill and then clicking the button will fill all of the values beginning with your chosen value. If you want each section to start at a different, type your starting value in the first box of each list and then click the Auto Fill using the first value in each Form at the bottom.

MIDI values cannot be shared between commands. For example, you could not assign All: 48 and Next Playlist: 48 at the same time.


ProPresenter 6 also allows any slide to have a MIDI cue attached to it which will generate a MIDI note when that slide is clicked.

To add a MIDI cue, right-click on a slide and select Add Cue > Communication Cue > MIDI and select either MIDI Note On or MIDI Note Off.

For each MIDI cue, you can specify the MIDI Channel, Note and Intensity. When the slide is displayed, the MIDI note will be sent through the MIDI interface that is configured in ProPresenter Preferences > Communications.