

The purpose of a Mask is to allow you to “mask” (or cover up) a part of your output to create custom projection screens or to keep the projector from projecting onto something that you don’t want it to. Masks are also perpetual items in ProPresenter; when you enable a Mask, the Mask will be enabled (even through restarts of ProPresenter) until you turn it off.


To access the Mask window, customize the toolbar to add the Mask icon, select it from the View menu, or use Control-Shift-M on your keyboard.

Only one Mask can be active at any time. The Mask feature also has its own transition time, but it does not have transition effects. To enable a Mask, click on the thumbnail. To clear it, you must return to this window and click the Clear Mask button or select the Clear Mask option from the Actions menu. There is no keyboard shortcut to clear a Mask.

If you need to create more advanced Masks, you can use Photoshop or other editors export the file out as a PNG with transparency, and import it into a Mask inside of ProPresenter.